
Showing posts from May, 2022
Please do not send me gifts of food, fruit or flowers. This hospital does not allow flowers and I still am on restricted diet, and fruit is not included so far.  My discharge date is around the corner but not finalized yet.  It will be around the weekend of May 27th.  It will depend on how the therapy is going.  Thanks for following me on this journey. Ann 
Hello to you all.  On Wednesday, May 11th, I was overcome with anxiety and fears.  It was a horrible day in spite of my trust in God.  I talked with the hospital chaplains and a very compassionate lady counselor.  I needed to know about other patients.  It appears that many cancer patients experience this when the reality progresses beyond the fact.  Reality is that this cancer could destroy me before we can kill it with drugs.  The fact is that each day brings the chance of recovery and ultimate healing nearer rather than holding it further away.  Jack quickly changed his first plans of the weekend and came to visit me.  He arrived on Thursday and is a wonderful support. Thanks again for your support in thoughts and prayers even though you don't know the details of the day. Thanks so much.  Ann  PS - The depressing thoughts and reactions to it all lasted for 24 hours.  Now I feel fine.  God bless you all. 
 From Ann today: Good day to you all.  Today marks the middle of radiation treatment.  Yesterday was the mid-way of Chemotherapy.  Some days are great, and others are in the "don't move or you will vomit" category.  The  good outweigh the bad numerically, but it does not always feel like it.  Bad days outweigh the good emotionally.  But, halfway is still a reason to rejoice and give thanks to God that I have made it this far.  The end is closer than the beginning.  Thanks for standing by me.  Ann 
 From Ann this afternoon: We are grateful that Jack was able to visit this weekend and to stay with longtime friends, Bill and Hazel Kerr.  This Monday starts week 3 of treatment.  I get very tired but am otherwise not affected too much.  The tiredness is the hardest to deal with.  Jack's visit helped perk me up.  I have just had a bout of diarrhea which was feared to be infectious, but the test showed that I was in the clear.  My sodium levels have just dropped from my low normal to even lower.  They are exploring that as well.  I may need to take salt pills.  That is the update for the moment.  Thanks for your support and prayers.  Ann
 This in just now from Ann: The side effects of chemotherapy and radiation have begun.  I am frequently nauseated and have already vomited.  No one can attribute it to either chemotherapy or radiation.  They give me drugs to help.  Prayers also help. Thanks  Ann