From Ann this afternoon:

We are grateful that Jack was able to visit this weekend and to stay with longtime friends, Bill and Hazel Kerr.  This Monday starts week 3 of treatment.  I get very tired but am otherwise not affected too much.  The tiredness is the hardest to deal with.  Jack's visit helped perk me up.  I have just had a bout of diarrhea which was feared to be infectious, but the test showed that I was in the clear.  My sodium levels have just dropped from my low normal to even lower.  They are exploring that as well.  I may need to take salt pills.  That is the update for the moment.  Thanks for your support and prayers. 



  1. Keeping up to date with you, praying for you.. Sorry sodium levels are dropping to add to your tiredness. Glad Jack visited. Di

  2. I am rather later than Di. Have just found how to get into your blog and have read it from start to finish. Your journey is certainly not an easy one! I remember when Di had low sodium levels but the initial trouble with us was that we didn't realise what the problem was.
    Will be praying for you. John

  3. I am so glad that Jack was able to visit! I’m sure it must have been good for both of you. Sorry to hear about the tiredness, but thankful that the treatments aren’t too hard on you. I will continue to pray for you and your family.

  4. So glDyou could see Jack . Keep going . Love to you both. God bless. Rosemafiexx

  5. Ann, we miss you! And I miss our email correspondence. BUT, be sure you are being prayed for each day and sometimes...more than once! :) Week three is hard to believe. But I give thanks that two weeks are behind you...moving you closer to the goal. I'm pondering what "contraband" I can put in a non-de-script box and send your way. Watch out...something's coming! Much love.

  6. Good morning Ann! It is good to “hear“ from you. For some reason I didn’t get the link for the blog, but Elizabeth just sent it to me, so I am up to speed on how you are managing. I’ve been praying for you and Jack and your family all along, but will be able to pray more specifically now that I am in the loop. Inch by inch, not mile by mile is the best approach. I am speaking from experience!!! Keep up the good work, do your best, and leave the rest to God. He is faithful!

  7. So happy Jack was able to visit.


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