From Ann today:

Good day to you all.  Today marks the middle of radiation treatment.  Yesterday was the mid-way of Chemotherapy.  Some days are great, and others are in the "don't move or you will vomit" category.  The  good outweigh the bad numerically, but it does not always feel like it.  Bad days outweigh the good emotionally.  But, halfway is still a reason to rejoice and give thanks to God that I have made it this far.  The end is closer than the beginning.  Thanks for standing by me. 



  1. What a wonderful testimony and a great attitude! Prayers continue!

  2. Keep going, thoughts and prayers are always with you. Love Rosemariexx

  3. Well you have made the half way mark Well done! you have such an amazing attitude....grace!! Prayers continue. leith and clare

  4. Well done. Tremendous achievement. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all Lots of love. Heather and Jim xx

  5. Great attitude Ann. Continued prayers. Rachel


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