From Jack this morning:

Ann is cared for by Janet at night (with Terry as back up), while she continues to teach at her school opposite us on Montgomery Street. We have good staff during the day for 6 days a week, 4 hours a day. I have the unpleasant job of reducing our charitable donations to help pay for them. 

Ann sleeps a lot, is weak and does not eat much. She is visited by some who give her encouraging spiritual input, for which she is grateful. She enjoys seeing Jennifer and her two children (Ann’s and my great grandchildren). However, it has been a long, painful road Ann has travelled, and she is worn down and discouraged. She has said that she wants to go “home”. I do my best to remind her that she is an adopted daughter of God, who promises to be with her and me and to welcome her in His Kingdom. I do this by reading the passage in our daily bread study guide and discussing the questions posed together. I then sing some of the hymns from the old Church of Canada blue book until about 10 pm, by which time Ann is almost asleep. 

I am very thankful for the many expressions of love, in various forms, given to us over the months past - a big thank-you to all of you.

My prayer request for Ann is that she have confidence in the reality of God’s Kingdom, and for me, to have the words and deeds to effectively help Ann in every way.

-- Jack


  1. Jack, we continue to pray for you and well as Janet and the rest of the family. We pray for you both to know the strength of God,s presence...John and Di

  2. I wonder if she means England as home.


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