From Jack this morning:

Ann was discharged from Palliative care and is now home with support from the Extramural program. She is very pleased to be home, has a hospital bed, wheelchair, etc. She enjoys looking at the garden, and for the first time in a long while was outside in the fresh air and in the sun. Janet and family are mostly looking after her, and my sister, Margaret, is here to help.  However, Ann is in great need; please pray for a dramatic improvement.
We are very grateful for much help and support we have been blessed with.


  1. Only heard of your illness today Ann. Such a journey you are on. You are very strong - keep it up. I will follow your blog now I know. You seem to have a good support system with your family. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. With love from Cousin Mary from England x

  2. Good to get this news! I continue to keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers. Nancy S

  3. So happy that Ann can get some fresh air and enjoy her garden! Prayers will continue! Merle

  4. I am so happy Ann is now at home! To be in your own home and with your family must be the best of medicine. My love to you Ann and your precious family. Love to all.


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