This from Jack today:

I (Jack) visit Ann every day at 4NE at the Chalmers hospital not far away. She has been there for almost 2 weeks. She is having a hard time, and is up and down in mood. She is not easing much. It is very disturbing. 

Many thanks to all who have helped us, including my sister Elizabeth who came from Vancouver to help out. She expected Ann to be home, but I am very grateful she is here to help me.

I pray for a turn around.

Many thanks for your help and prayers.



  1. I am so glad to hear an update, but so sorry that Ann is going through all of this! I am glad you are able to visit so close to home and so glad also that you have your sister with you! Prayers will continue! God bless!

  2. The same from us - friends in the UK

  3. Hi Jack.
    Clara and I continue to pray for you both. So glad to hear you have some personal help and support at home.
    Rob and Clara

  4. Thank you for update Jack. Please give our love to Ann. Praying for you both, as well as Janet and David. John and Di

  5. Praying for her appetite to return, and for daily strength for you, Jack!
    How good that your sister is with you now! With a heavy heart,
    trusting the LORD. Louise

  6. Praying for a turn-around in Ann's health. I am happy to hear your sister is there with you Jack and that you're able to visit Ann each day. Blessings


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