Ann sent this today:

 I have a new start date for treatments.  I was told today in Saint John that the new date will be after Easter,   April  25. The Oncology team is ready to begin.  It should take about 23 sessions in the following weeks. excluding weekends and public holidays.  I have also learned both on today's Saint John visit and the earlier one that I need to stay in  Saint John for the full week.  I am a victim of travel sickness and cannot afford to  lose another pound of weight.  I am currently holding at 104 pounds.  The first visit was followed by a day of  vomiting - a large price to pay.  One day vomiting could lose me 1 to 2 pounds.  Today the nurses are holding  me together with IV meds. Please pray that I will make it through the next day and night.  Thank you all for  your support and prayers. 


  1. Praying for you, Ann, praying for you! I wish I could give you some of my pounds.
    Insomnia. 3 a.m. I am distressed about so much suffering. Weeping...


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