Ann sent the following this morning:

Sunday night (April 3) I had a huge vomit as response to a very strange mixture of food flavors on the supper tray. I vomited out the gastric tube along with the rest!  So, the Saint John group of doctors will take the opportunity to do a test that the tube would have impeded.  But we're still in lockdown, so not easily arranged.  It is postponed to Thursday at 8.30 am.  Result: no gastric tube for at least 3 days.  Now I have to be  prepared with everyday food extras,  in case the kitchen tray is not working and sends too little as it did today. 

Further updates after Thursday's test. For food, I am swallowing through the stent; so far I have even managed whole meds, pills that stuck before and made me vomit. There is a measure of progress in this. Thanks for your support, it is very much appreciated. 


  1. Ann, I am very sad and distressed about it all!
    Praying more that you will be able to keep food down,
    and will received better kitchen trays!
    Jack and I talked on Saturday for a long time, which was very good for old friends.

    The LORD is with you, Ann, as you know so well! Lean on Him!
    You old friend Louise


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