Ann sent the following this evening [Janet is Ann's and Jack's daughter]:

Janet said that on the night that I vomited blood, she woke up at 12.30 am.  She heard me shouting for help;  she said that she heard the fear in my voice. She did not know that it was happening in real time.  She was distressed by the fear in my voice.  She only put the times together later. Neither of us were on morphine. I found it very affirming, that she was on the same wavelength.  Thank you, Janet.


  1. After an operation years ago I was taken back to my room where my mom was waiting. I was very weak and she wanted to ask me a question but didn't want to bother me. I "heard" her speak the question and so I answered it after which I realized she hadn't spoken it out loud!! I opened my eyes to see the amazement on her face. That experience made me realize we really are fearfully and wonderfully made.... Just as scripture says. You and your family are in my prayers and in His loving hands.🙏


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