From Ann today:

The radiotherapy began on Tuesday.  It is a very strange experience.  It is like being a fixed point around  whom a series of large panels and circular disks revolve.  Each panel has its own angle and aims the radiation to a certain point.  I feel nothing except some heat at times.  I also have no nausea yet.  So far, this is a positive experience.  It took 4 days this week. 

The chemotherapy is very different.  It involves adding dangerous chemicals to my body.  They each have their own purpose.  But each is treated as highly dangerous material.  The nurse wears a hazmat outfit.  None of the chemicals can be spilled.  They go by intravenous route straight into me.  They arrive in a special bag, and the empty chemical bag is disposed of in that same bag.  The dangerous chemicals are left behind in me.

There are many risks involved with these chemicals, including how they affect my body.  I did not understand  them, but it is part of the cure that I agreed to.  This only happens once a week. 

So far, I have no side effects that I know of. 

Thanks for following me this week. 



  1. Glad to hear that the radiation has not been that difficult for you! I trust & will pray that the chemotherapy will go as planned. Please know that I will continue to pray for you and your family!

  2. Ann,we have finally managed to connect with your blog, a chance to catch up with you now we are home. Having trouble with privacy rules in trying to reply to you, but we will sort...
    Praying for you... John and Di

  3. Glad to hear you havestartec your treatment. Praying it will be successful.
    Love Rosemarie and Philipxx

  4. My dear Ann , so glad to get your updates , praying every day for peace ,comfort and that the treatment s will be effective. Love you Louise

  5. Ann & Jack- I am continuing to pray that you sense God's presence during your difficult journey..
    blessings. .Cindy


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