From Ann this morning:

Hello to you all, 

There has been a change in travel plans. 

I shall be transferred to Saint John on Monday, whenever the ambulance is available. 

To be admitted in the daytime, not at early Monday morning. 



  1. Thinking of and praying for you, Ann. Miss seeing you on Sunday’s.


  2. Safe travels Ann. You are in my thoughts and prayers today.

  3. Hi Ann, I just arranged to join this blog today. Jill and I are praying. I had a fine dinner and conversation with Jack last week. It would have been better for your presence with us.

  4. I hope you have a uneventful day and sleep well tonight!

  5. Hi Ann
    We've been following your blog but got behind over the past week. Have had Daniel's family staying with us over last week. Then Keith and I both tested positive for covid. I am almost through, Keith just starting his quarantine.
    Keeping you and Jack in our prayers.

  6. Ann-
    As you know, I drive by your house each day to take the children to school. The flowers on your front lawn are in full bloom and are absolutely beautiful. At a quick glance, they are forget-me-nots, which are very appropriate. Not only is our Heavenly Father not forgetting you, He is with you and your medical team (and Jack, Janet and David) every step of this journey. He is in complete control and has a plan. Also, you have a big “fan club” of friends who continue to not forget you, praying for you daily. Sending hugs your way.


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