From Ann this afternoon:

Dear  friends  and  relatives, 

Some of you have noted last week's air of depression; perhaps it is time to share something of how it really is in hospital in NB. 

I can call for help.  The call is answered with, "I will send you someone."  Over an hour later, the nurse passes by.. She hears the sound of a machine, etc. in distress.  The first comment is, "No one told me."  And you can tell from her response to this machine that this is the truth.

A second situation is of my own personal experiences.  The high fibre feed has disturbed my bowels.  One night I managed to make it out of bed.  No one responded to my call.  Eventually someone came, but it was all down my legs and all over the floor by then.  We have individual toilet needs.  I am assigned a commode.  No one set it up for me.  Repeat these things many times a week.  There may be 2 or 3 staff to your floor;  rarely is there a full complement.  Meanwhile the government protests that all is well.  The depressing indignities are repeated for other patients too.  The air of depression is for real.  I chose a long term prayer goal instead; the  nasogastric tube is still in place.

I asked for physiotherapy.  At about 9:00 AM a head poked around the door - "I was on  my  phone."  I had  no idea whose head it was.  A hand waved.  I was told that it was the physiotherapist.  I have not seen her since. 

There may be a happy ending to the day.  I will add that later. 

However, none of this changes the peace of God that I have inside.  And that is for real. 

My weight is up to 48.3 kilos.  

The hospital in Saint John is still expecting me.  Things are still on track for me.

A pair of physiotherapists arrived.  They worked me through a series of exercises that I have not done for many months.  They left me the printouts.  I had no muscles or flesh to do the exercises until now.  It feels good to move and stress some muscle.  It is a positive picture of things to come.  For me, it is 5.15 PM, almost supper  and then an evening routine.  And then, phone calls home. 

Good night, and  thanks for your support. 



  1. Ann, you are much loved and prayed for by many friends, including me. Remember the old hymn, "How Firm a Foundation," especially verses 2 & 3, as they're almost a direct quote of Isaiah 43: 2. These are GOD's PROMISES - to walk His children through the deep rivers AND through the fire.

    -- Roberta

    How firm a foundation ye saints of the Lord,
    Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word!
    What more can He say than to you He hath said,
    To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled.

    Fear not, I am with thee, O be not dismayed,
    For I am thy God and will still give thee aid;
    I'll strengthen thee, help thee and cause thee to stand,
    UPHELD BY My Righteous, Omnipotent Hand.
    When through the deep waters He calls thee to go,
    The rivers of woe shall not thee overflow;
    For I will be with thee, thy troubles to bless
    And sanctify to thee, they deepest distress.
    When through fiery trials thy pathway doth lie,
    HIS GRACE all-sufficient shall be thy supply.
    The flame shall not hurt thee, My only design
    Thy dross to consume and thy gold to refine.
    The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose,
    I will not, I will not desert to his foes;
    That soul though all hell shall endeavour to shake,
    I'll never, no never, no never forsake!

  2. Ann as you are still on track to come to Saint John, we would like to remind you and Jack and any other family that needs it that we live just 5 minutes from the hospital and we have two bedrooms and two bathrooms available for your use.

    Bill and I are praying daily for you and your family. God has you in the palm of His hand.
    Love Bill and Hasell Kerr

  3. Dear Ann I grieve for the indignities you and others experience
    I am thrilled that you have had physio and are able to use muscle power and YAY the tube is in place!!! I pray that Gods indwelling spirit will sustain you with grace and courage during this harrowing time. I give thanks that underneat all is peace. i pray for you each day. thank you for providing updates . leith and clare

  4. Ann, I continue to pray for physical strength and peace as you anticipate going to Saint John. I am praying that the nursing and support staff there will be more responsive than what you have experienced in the DECH. I pray you will experience Jesus's presence to strengthen you with the knowledge that you are not alone.

  5. Ann, thinking about you and the Holy Spirit who identifies with our groans, pray for you now.


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